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Convert NZD to FJD Exchange Rate

Check current NZD to FJD exchange rates, view historical rates, or find your nearest Travelex store to exchange your New Zealand dollars to Fijian dollars.

The lowdown on the Fijian dollar

Economical Influences and the Fijian Dollar

Fijian dollars have been the official currency of Fiji since 1969; however, it was also the currency for a short time between 1867 and 1873.

When the FJD was reintroduced on 15 January 1969, it replaced the Fijian pound at a rate of 1 Fijian pound to 2 Fijian dollars. Even though Fiji has been a republic since 1987, its coins and banknotes still featured Queen Elizabeth II right up until 2013. These days, the currency features characteristics native to Fiji such as specific plant and wildlife.

Fijian Dollar Historical Market Exchange Rate

The Fijian dollar has seen a fair bit of fluctuation against the New Zealand dollar over the past 5-year period.

On 7 July 2014 1 NZD was buying around 1.62 FJD, while a few months later on 13 October 2014 the NZD was converting to around 1.48 FJD.1

Just less than a year later in mid-September 2015 1 NZD was exchanging to 1.36777 FJD.1 Fast forward a year, and on 9 September 2016 the NZD to FDJ exchange rate was 1 to 1.50967 respectively.1

The next two years would see a relatively stable exchange rate between the two currencies with the NZD equalling 1.44384 FJD at the start of May 2017 and 1.42375 FJD on 21 November 2017.1

In 2018 the NZ dollar strengthened against the Fijian dollar to 1 NZD to 1.51326 on 10 April.

Learn more about the FJD before you travel to Indonesia and create a currency rate alert so we can notify you when it hits the rate you want.


[fromExchangeAmount] New Zealand Dollar = [toExchangeAmount] [toCurrencyName]

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Exchange rates last updated Saturday, 22 February 2025 5:42:14 PM NZDT. The online exchange rates provided by this Currency Converter are intended as a guide only and should not be used for transactional purposes. All rates are subject to change from time to time without notice. Exchange rates used in-store may differ from those offered online. The Travelex online buy rate will be used for conversions from a foreign currency to the local currency. The Travelex online sell rate will be used for conversions from the local currency to a foreign currency.

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*Based on mid-market rates as of 24 December 2018.

*The information contained in this article has been compiled by Travelex from different different external sources. The figures provided are indicative only and are there to provide an idea of the amount of travel money you may need during your trip. Travelex does not ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. Nothing in this article is to be considered financial advice. Travelex Limited does not accept any liability for any loss or damage derived from any reliance on the information in this article. Travelex NZ Limted arranges for and sells Online Foreign Currency via its Online Ordering Facility. You should consider the Online Foreign Currency Product Disclosure Statement and Terms and Conditions before deciding whether to acquire the product.