NZD to JPY (Japanese yen) exchange rate

It’s one of the most stable currencies going, so you usually know where you stand with the Japanese yen. Here’s how it matches up to our New Zealand dollar.

NZD to JPY exchange rates today

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To learn more about the history of the Japanese yen and its relationship with the NZ dollar, keep reading below.

NZD to Japanese yen converter


[fromExchangeAmount] New Zealand Dollar = [toExchangeAmount] [toCurrencyName]

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Exchange rates last updated Saturday, 29 March 2025 12:41:05 PM NZDT. The online exchange rates provided by this Currency Converter are intended as a guide only and should not be used for transactional purposes. All rates are subject to change from time to time without notice. Exchange rates used in-store may differ from those offered online. The Travelex online buy rate will be used for conversions from a foreign currency to the local currency. The Travelex online sell rate will be used for conversions from the local currency to a foreign currency.

NZD to yen historical exchange rates chart

Before you convert the New Zealand dollar to Japanese yen, we recommend reviewing the exchange rate history to help forecast NZD to yen. Track trends over the past 12 months with our NZD to yen chart and discover how the conversion rate for yen has changed over time.


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Japanese yen currency history

In Japan, they pronounce it “en” in Japan, but we usually say “yen” in English – so you’ll be right either way. The yen, which means circle or round object, has been around since 1871.

The Japanese yen is known as one of the world’s hard currencies – that means it usually holds its value. It’s common to carry large amounts of cash, thanks to the country’s low crime rate. In many places, cards are not accepted, so make sure you're prepared to pay in cash to avoid missing Japanese experiences. Check out our comparison guide to the pros and cons of travelling with cash vs cards..

When it comes to coins, it’s much easier to tell what’s what than it is with some currencies – the one yen coin is made from aluminium, and it floats; the five and 50 yen coins have a hole in the middle, and the five yen coin is a shiny mix of zinc and copper that’s thought to be good luck. The 500 yen coin is one of the highest value coins around, so don’t confuse that one for small change.

Travel smarter with Travelex travel card for Japan

Want to carry yen in cash or on a card? The choice is yours. Travel smarter with Travelex's award-winning travel card – your key to a seamless, worry-free adventure in Japan.

  • Withdraw cash with no international ATM fees1.
  • Load, tap, and go wherever Mastercard is accepted worldwide.
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  • Save with no foreign exchange fees^ & real-time exchange rates.
  • Manage multiple currencies effortlessly.

Plan Your Japanese Adventure

Welcome to our Japan destination hub. From financial tips to unmissable sights, prepare for your trip with our comprehensive guides.

JPY Currency Services

Travel Money Card

JPY Travelex Money Card, buy online and in-store.


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Withdraw JPY from an ATM in Australia and when you arrive in Japan.


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*Data correct as of 6 November 2018.


*The information contained in this article has been compiled by Travelex from different external sources.  The figures provided are indicative only and are there to provide an idea of the amount of travel money you may need during your trip. Travelex does not ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. Nothing in this article is to be considered financial advice. Travelex Limited does not accept any liability for any loss or damage derived from any reliance on the information in this article. Travelex NZ Limited arranges for and sells Online Foreign Currency via its Online Ordering Facility. You should consider the Online Foreign Currency Product Disclosure Statement and Terms and Conditions before deciding whether to acquire the product.