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Convert NZD to THB Exchange Rate

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To learn more about the history of the Thai baht and its relationship with the NZ dollar, keep reading below.


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Exchange rates last updated Wednesday, 26 March 2025 11:41:07 PM NZDT. The online exchange rates provided by this Currency Converter are intended as a guide only and should not be used for transactional purposes. All rates are subject to change from time to time without notice. Exchange rates used in-store may differ from those offered online. The Travelex online buy rate will be used for conversions from a foreign currency to the local currency. The Travelex online sell rate will be used for conversions from the local currency to a foreign currency.

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The lowdown on the Thai Baht

Economical Influences on the Thai Baht Exchange Rate

Thailand has a relatively well-developed free enterprise economy that is highly dependent on international trade.1

Exports account for over two thirds of Thailand’s GDP including electronics, agricultural commodities, automobiles and parts, and processed foods.1

The country’s industry and service sectors are also very strong and account for almost 90% of Thailand’s GDP.1

In 2018 the rapid growth of the Thai baht sparked worries that Thailand’s exports would become less competitive, slowing their trade.2

Thai Baht Historical Exchange Rate

Despite some fluctuation, the THB has been strengthening against the NZD steadily over the past 5 years.3

On 28 June 2014 the THB was converting to 28.49174 per NZD, improving to 25.14728 per NZD by 30 September of the same year.3

By 18 July 2015 the Thai baht had continued to strengthen, with the NZD equalling around 22.32 THB.3

A year later the THB was converting to around 25.68 per NZD, but by 20 May 2017 the figure had weakened down to around 23.78 per NZD.3

By 29 November 2017 this positive trajectory for the baht had continued with the THB trading at 22.47865 per New Zealand dollar.3

On 6 October 2018 the THB was converting to 21.13480 per NZD, remaining stable to equal 21.41288 per NZD as of 18 January 2019.3

1. Central Intelligence Agency –
2. Nikkei Asian Review -
3. XE -

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*The information contained in this article has been compiled by Travelex from different different external sources.  The figures provided are indicative only and are there to provide an idea of the amount of travel money you may need during your trip. Travelex does not ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. Nothing in this article is to be considered financial advice. Travelex Limited does not accept any liability for any loss or damage derived from any reliance on the information in this article. Travelex NZ Limted arranges for and sells Online Foreign Currency via its Online Ordering Facility. You should consider the Online Foreign Currency Product Disclosure Statement and Terms and Conditions before deciding whether to acquire the product.